Hematopoietic Malignancies: Putting It All Together

If you’ve studied the hematopoietic system malignancies—all the leukemias, lymphomas, and plasma cell disorders—you probably feel like you’ve been hit with the good old medical school fire hose. Now’s a good time to take a step back from all the details, make sure that you remember the underlying framework, and pull together some information that connects several different diseases.
In this brick, we’ll revisit some of the hematopoietic diseases that we often talk about in pairs: acute vs chronic leukemias, benign lymph node diseases vs lymphoma, and low-grade vs high-grade lymphomas. Also, in case you haven’t already done this on your own, we’ll pull together all the important translocations, their respective diseases, and the reasons why we should remember them.
After listening to this AudioBrick, you should be able to:
- Compare and contrast acute and chronic leukemias.
- Compare and contrast the morphologic features of benign follicular hyperplasia and follicular lymphoma.
- Compare and contrast the morphologic and clinical features of low-grade and high-grade lymphomas and give examples of each.
- Know the following translocations and name the disease (and prognostic significance, if any) associated with each: t(8;21), t(15;17), inv(16), 11q23, FLT3 mutation, t(9;22), t(11;14), t(14;18), and t(8;14).
You can also check out the original brick on Hematopoietic Malignancies: Putting It All Together from our Hematology collection, which is available for free.
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