January 25 Promo

Start 2025 Strong with USMLE-Rx

Elevate your USMLE preparation with USMLE-Rx and begin the new year with a strong foundation. This limited-time offer provides significant savings on subscriptions of 3+ months, giving you the tools and support you need to excel on your exams.

New year, new you! No code necessary.

Our Most Popular Plan

Most Popular


Plans start at: $199 $119.40

  • Rx Bricks
  • Flash Facts
  • Express Videos
  • High-yield learning
  • Step 1 Qmax AND Step 2 CK Qmax
  • Leverages select portions of First Aid® content
  • Integrated tools
  • Save time & money


Everything you need from day 1 through Step 2 - and we mean everything! Master your classes and crush your board prep with our fully-integrated suite of learning and assessment tools.
  • Rx Bricks
  • Step 1 Qmax AND Step 2 CK Qmax
  • Flash Facts with Study Stream
  • Express Videos
  • Leverages select portions of First Aid® content
  • Smart Notes
Choose your plan:

Individual Tools

Rx Bricks

Rx Bricks

Plans start at: $69 $41.40

Rx Bricks
The foundations of medicine in high-yield, multimedia learning modules.
  • More than 800 modules
  • Integrated with other USMLE-Rx tools
  • "Need-to-know" topics succinctly explained
  • Bricks do not include access to Qmax, Flash Facts, or Express Videos
Rx Bricks

Rx Bricks

Unique topical modules you can use for quick, effective, high-yield learning
  • More than 800 high-yield, patient-centered modules
  • Simple "clear language" explanations, memorable mnemonics, clinical correlations, and more
  • Visualize complex concepts and quiz yourself using interactive images
  • Assess your understanding with measurable objectives, interactive flashcards, and practice questions built into each module
  • Bricks do not include access to Flash Facts or Express Videos
  • Included in Rx360+
Choose your plan:



Plans start at: $159 $95.40

Premium questions, high-yield explanations, clinical illustrations, charts, and more.
  • Over 4,600 board-style questions for Step 1 and Step 2 CK
  • Customized practice exams
  • High-yield, step-wise explanations
  • A Qbank that gets you from Day 1 through Step 2


A Qbank that gets you from Day 1 through Step 2
  • Extensive Question Bank: Over 4,600 meticulously reviewed USMLE-style questions covering both Step 1 and Step 2 CK content
  • Updated Step 2 CK Content: Completely revised Step 2 questions that accurately reflect the current USMLE Step 2 CK and shelf exams
  • Step 1 Self-Assessment: Two 160-item self-assessment exams specifically for Step 1, mimicking the real exam experience
  • Customized Practice: Create practice exams tailored to your unique study needs and performance
  • Comprehensive Explanations: In-depth answer explanations featuring illustrations, charts, and mnemonics to reinforce key concepts
  • Continuous Updates: Regular content updates to align with the latest USMLE exam patterns and medical science
  • Performance Analytics: Detailed performance tracking and analytics to identify your strengths and areas for improvement
  • Mobile-Friendly: Study anytime, anywhere with our responsive mobile app
  • Simulated Exam Environment: Replicate the actual USMLE experience with our timed simulations
  • Subject-Specific Modules: Focus on individual subjects or systems to strengthen your weak areas
Choose your plan:

Express Videos

Express Videos

Plans start at: $79 $47.40

Express Videos
Engaging high-yield videos explaining key topics for Step 1.
  • 1,300 videos that explain all of the must-know topics for Step 1
  • Over 80 hours of high-yield videos
  • Downloadable and editable workbook
  • 600+ images, helpful diagrams, and multimedia clips
Express Videos

Express Videos

Quick but effective videos with rich visuals and high-yield explanations
  • More than 80 hours of high-yield, engaging videos
  • Each video features students conversationally explaining a concept from First Aid®, helping you learn faster
  • Including 600+ images, helpful diagrams, and multimedia clips
  • Downloadable and editable color workbook
  • Included in Rx360+
Choose your plan:

Flash Facts

Flash Facts

Plans start at: $49 $29.40

Flash Facts
Remember more of what you've learned with advanced spaced repetition.
  • More than 14,000 flash cards
  • Includes Study Stream with spaced repetition algorithm
  • Study anywhere using the USMLE-Rx mobile apps
Flash Facts

Flash Facts

Flash cards for maximum knowledge retention
  • More than 14,000 flash cards
  • Easily create decks based on your strengths and weaknesses
  • Each card is aligned with one of 1,300 First Aid® facts
  • Remember more of what you've learned with Study Stream's advanced spaced repetition
  • Included in Rx360+
Choose your plan:

See why hundreds of thousands of students have trusted USMLE-Rx...

USMLE-Rx was one of the more difficult Qbanks for me….What I love about this resource is that it shows you the explanations for the answer choices and also where to find it in different sources like First Aid….I started using it recently and the question stems are similar to the ones you may see on board exams, so the exposure has helped me get used to reading the questions and getting to the answer more efficiently. I definitely recommend for anyone looking for a Qbank not just for step, but also for practice for NBME and class as well.

“Rx Bricks are amazing! They are organized so that, even if you don’t remember anything on a certain topic, you will be able to refresh your memory, fill in any gaps, and expand on the knowledge you already have. Having videos and links to the First Aid pages is unmatched. And finally, being able to look at flash cards and take practice questions on the covered topic, solidifies the information in your mind.”

I like the organization of the modules, integration of video, questions and flash cards, and the language you use to teach concepts. It really is a great way to better learn materials that you are covering in classes, as well as an easy and effective way to test yourself and gain the confidence you need going into boards.


Test drive the high-yield learning experience-for free!

Try Rx360+ for five full days without paying a dime, and keep your free access to 150+ bricks even after your trial ends. See for yourself how this comprehensive powerhouse can help you walk into your classroom, the boards, and your future medical career with confidence.