Thyroid Diagnosis: Putting It All Together

In your reading about thyroid diseases, you have run across a number of symptoms, physical exam findings, tests, and diagnostic strategies. You have also encountered the diagnostic overlap between the various syndromes and diseases like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Graves disease, and thyroiditis, which can be confusing. How can you keep all this straight? The purpose of this brick is to summarize the key similarities and differences to bring together your knowledge of thyroid disease.
After listening to this Audio Brick, you should be able to:
- List the signs and symptoms that distinguish hypothyroidism from hyperthyroidism.
- Differentiate between goiter and a thyroid nodule.
- Describe how T3, T4, and TSH levels vary in thyroid disorders.
- Describe how the radioactive iodine uptake scan and antithyroid antibody tests vary in different thyroid diseases.
You can also check out the original brick from our Endocrine collection, which is available for free.
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from our Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective Tissue collection, which is available for free.
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You will get 5 days of full access to our Rx360+ program, including nearly 800 Rx Bricks. After the 5-day period, you will still be able to access over 150 free bricks, including the entire collections for General Microbiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology.