List of Proposed Errata and Suggestions for First Aid for the USMLE Step 1, 2024 Edition

The chart below shows feedback submitted to us for First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2024. Entries are sorted by page number in ascending order and classified as either errata (major or minor errors), suggestions, additions, spelling/formatting errors, or mnemonics. Use this list to determine whether or not another student has already submitted feedback similar to your own, as duplicate submissions are not eligible for a gift card or acknowledgement in the next edition. Mnemonics and spelling/formatting errors are also not eligible for a gift card.

The eventual acceptance of a proposed revision is a very dynamic, time-intensive process. This chart reflects student submissions in real time. While we monitor submissions promptly, at any given time the chart may not yet be sorted by page number, or row colors may change from one viewing session to the next as we evaluate the comments. Rows are color coded to track a submission’s progress through the evaluation process:

*White: a proposed submission not yet fully evaluated by the First Aid Team.

*Light green/yellow/red: we have provisionally accepted a comment as either a clarification light green, minor erratum/spelling/formatting light yellow, or major erratum light red pending expert review and approval.

*Gold: pending expert review.

*Dark green/yellow/red: we have accepted a comment as either a clarification dark green, minor erratum or spelling error dark yellow, or major erratum dark red. These will ultimately be posted to the official errata PDF here.

*Gray: a duplicate or rejected submission.

*Light Blue: a mnemonic suggestion.

If you do not see feedback similar to what you want to post on the chart below, click here to access our First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2024 Proposed Errata and Suggestions submission form.

Thank you for helping us improve First Aid!


The First Aid Team